Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Book Review: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

tsslobtcoverI got this book on Saturday and read it in about 3 hours.  The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is part of the Twilight series, but does not focus on Bella, Jacob, Edward, or any of the Cullen family. This story revolves around Bree, the child vampire soldier killed by the Volturi at the end of Eclipse.

That’s where I will end with the spoilers.

Bree Tanner is a novella at 178 pages. It’s short. It’s easy to read. It’s written in only the way Stephenie Meyer can write. I liked the book overall. There is no super sappy love plot. There isn’t an overwhelming need to discuss the ramifications of vampires in love. Nothing heavy. There is no heart throb.

But in this short book you become endeared to many of the characters. Diego, Bree, and Fred to name a few. The story is engaging and interesting. The plot illuminates another side of the Victoria vampire war saga. It’s completely engaging.

And then, it’s done. I ended up reading the book in about 3 hours total. This is one of Meyer’s best books to date.

Grade: E (Exceeds Expectations)