Friday, December 3, 2010

These Is My Words


My book club picked this book to read for the month. I drug my feet reading it. I’m not a huge fan of pioneer books. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Little House series either. So, I really didn’t want to read this book. My husband and gal pal read it and they loved it. So, I tentatively picked it up. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it.


I started it. It was agonizingly slow. The first 127 pages are pretty slow and pioneer-y. I wasn’t impressed or thrilled. And then, her husband died and the book picked up. It became an obsession then. The love story rivals all the other guilty pleasure couples (the Darcy’s, Edward and Bella, Jane and Rochester) in literature. It’s quite as delicious.


I loved the book up to the last few pages. Then, I cried like a baby. There is no happy ending to be found in this book. However, the book is worth a read. It seems to be universally appealing to males and females since it was evenly liked at our book club.


Grade: E (Exceeds Expectations)