Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wickedly Eh


I also finally finished this book. I have to say that my overall impression of this book was disappointment. I had extremely high hopes for the book and was excited to read it. I was let down.


The book is in sections. The first section really deals more with Elphie’s parents. I got lost and was confused through much of this section. The next section covers school and going to Shiz. The book picks up when she heads to Shiz. But that doesn’t mean the writing, explanations, story line or characters get any better. The final 2 sections deal with her later years and her murder by Dorothy.


The characters come across as two dimensional and never really take shape. There are broad generalizations of characters (ex: “you were always a conspiracy theorist” but there was nothing in previous chapters or sections to support it.)


The book needed more thought and care and attention to detail. A bit more description would have made the book better. There is no driving force urging you to finish. The sequencing is off. I really just didn’t like the book. However, I will say this as a compliment. The section with Fiyero and Elphie and their story was the most compelling thing. It was the best part.


I know many people loved this book. I just didn’t see the appeal.


Grade: D+ (Dreadful)